Create a drought time series in Google Earth Engine

Course Objective

Climate change is being studied by everyone from the United Nations, to NOAA, to your local city. One of the key indicators is increasing drought. Today, 40% of the World population has suffered water scarcity. In this class you will code a machine learning workflow with Landsat imagery to describe regional drought trends. This is a GeoAI approach where we will demonstrate Google Earth Engine, Javascript coding, and machine learning models. Your final product will be a method of continued drought monitoring with statistical outputs and a timelapse video of mapped drought conditions. With these GeoAI, remote sensing, coding, and map serving skills, you can be an analyst addressing the climate change problem.

Hirable skills you’ll learn

  • Review drought dynamics
  • Code Javascript functions
  • Design a machine learning drought model
  • Load imagery into Google Earth Engine
  • Develop spatial model drought assessment
  • Compute different spectral sought models
  • Evaluate and test outputs
  • Machine learning forecast of spacial drought trends
  • Generate linear time series maps

Don’t settle for training that’s driven by people who don’t run projects.

About your instructor

Homere ‘AL’ Ngandam has 13 years of experience in the field of Earth Observatory Sciences, with a Master of Sciences in Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Sciences, and GPS applications. He has been freelancing as a Spatial Scientist addressing key problems: urban planning for the developing world, natural hazards forecasting, and environmental monitoring. He has contributed to several national and international projects using geospatial engineering. Being from Cameroon, he is an environmental advocate and a great fan of their famous national soccer team. He loves being in the outdoors taking a walk or doing fieldwork.

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A common GIS education path has been to pursue a Masters program in GIS. But it’s widely known in the industry that new geography grads are not getting enough exposure to cloud, mobile, and new geospatial programming environments.

So we assembled a world class team to teach you how to be the talent that the geospatial industry WILL HIRE. Compare the experience of our industry instructors and you’ll see why we top the list of best online GIS certiWcate programs.

Real-world scenarios

I like the real-world scenarios. My professors used to do GIS before Web GIS was in existence so our curriculum is out of date. The courses I’ve taken on the Bootcamp GIS platform are so much more useful than my school’s lab exercises which only taught me to digitize a line, generate a buffer, and make a map layout.
Caleb Worley
GIS Graduate Student

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Our Promise: Purchase this course today 100% risk free. When you enroll you get 30 days of reassurance that if the course isn’t right for you, you can request a refund. 

Although all our students have loved the course so far, we want to make sure you get your value for money and find our product helpful. If you wish to proceed with a refund at any point, you will need to provide proof by submitting your project to show that you completed our instructional steps as we strongly believe in this product and only want committed students who care about getting results.