Leveraging GIS for disaster risk reduction (DRR)

Course Objective

Do you want to be involved with your city, county, or local Federal office planning that is in charge making your community safer? This class is for those that want to learn how GIS can proactively prepare communities for potential disasters.
456 students enrolled

Hirable skills you’ll learn

  • Use ArcGIS Online
  • Gain insights from a domestic and international disaster risk professional
  • Get the exact steps to walk through the process for Disaster Risk Reduction planning
  • Define hazard profiles and delineate hazard areas for your community
  • Generate maps and communicate your GIS analysis
  • Advance your knowledge of risk to meaningful actions, making your community safer

Don’t settle for training that’s driven by people who don’t run projects.

About your instructor

Since 1992 Nate Smith has worked at the confluence of geospatial information and disaster management in both the domestic and international domains. He has been a pioneer in this discipline though his work at USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, FEMA’s GIS Solutions Branch, and the DHS Geospatial Management Office. He draws on his field experience as an emergency first responder and international humanitarian. Nate has taught this course at a number of universities.  
Nate spends his free time playing, coaching or cheering on his kids at lacrosse throughout the Eastern half of the US. Beyond lacrosse, a perfect day includes hiking historical landscapes to better understand the past and connect with great events and those that lived through them.


Knowledge Builder


Individual Course

  • Professional network access
  • Development sandbox
  • GeoExpert webinars
  • Video coursework

Certificate Builder


6 Course Certificate

  • 6 project-based courses
  • Video workflows
  • Development sandbox
  • Geoexpert webinars
  • 4 career support meetings

Plus these exclusive features:

  • Enterprise GIS certificate
  • Professional network access
  • 1:1 instructor web-meetings
  • Multimedia portfolio creation
  • Connections to our partners
  • Career coaching
  • Career services dashboard
  • 6 months support

Most Popular!

Career Builder


9 Course Premium Bundle

  • 6 project-based courses
  • Video workflows
  • Development sandbox
  • Geoexpert webinars
  • 4 career support meetings

Plus these exclusive features:

  • Enterprise GIS certificate
  • Professional network access
  • 1:1 instructor web-meetings
  • Multimedia portfolio creation
  • Connections to our partners
  • Career coaching
  • Career services dashboard
  • 6 months support

Plus extended support:

  • 3 additional project-based courses
  • 6 additional months support
  • 6 additional months of career services
  • On demand interview practice

Save 10% per course

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Focus your learning on the skills GIS jobs are asking for

A common GIS education path has been to pursue a Masters program in GIS. But it’s widely known in the industry that new geography grads are not getting enough exposure to cloud, mobile, and new geospatial programming environments.

So we assembled a world class team to teach you how to be the talent that the geospatial industry WILL HIRE. Compare the experience of our industry instructors and you’ll see why we top the list of best online GIS certiWcate programs.

Real-world scenarios

I like the real-world scenarios. My professors used to do GIS before Web GIS was in existence so our curriculum is out of date. The courses I’ve taken on the Bootcamp GIS platform are so much more useful than my school’s lab exercises which only taught me to digitize a line, generate a buffer, and make a map layout.
Caleb Worley
GIS Graduate Student

30 Day 100% Risk Free Guarantee

Our Promise: Purchase this course today 100% risk free. When you enroll you get 30 days of reassurance that if the course isn’t right for you, you can request a refund. 

Although all our students have loved the course so far, we want to make sure you get your value for money and find our product helpful. If you wish to proceed with a refund at any point, you will need to provide proof by submitting your project to show that you completed our instructional steps as we strongly believe in this product and only want committed students who care about getting results.
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